Well as you may have realized, from Mecha Universe we have launched “MECHA UNIVERSE LOYALTY POINTS SYSTEM” (MU LPS sounds so gundam/mech tech ^_^) basically it is a point program, the more you buy, the fatter is your coupon. Nothing New or Flashy but somehow we wanted to return you guys whatever we could!
The basic rule is you buy products, 1eur, you get 1 MU Point, that is 0.01eur coupon discount. (100eur in products, are 100 MU Points, 1eur coupon discount) Of course there will be special items with additional points, can be 1.5x, 2x, 3x who knows maybe 10x! Points will be automatically assigned to your account as soon as we complete the shipment of your order. And you can redeem / change your points in your account settings.
As said nothing new nothing flashy… So will this be our only promotion? of course not!, whatever promo we have it will be valid to get both benefits. We just want to be sure that no order placed doesn’t get any benefit.. We want to show our appreciation to all our customers that have placed an order during this month (April) so we will manually assign the points according to the products purchased (it may take a couple of days to finalize just have some patience with us!)
So if you have any doubts how it works or something is not correct please just contact us and we will gladly help!