Gundam 00

Brief outline of Mobile Suit Gundam 00

Mobile Suit Gundam 00 is a 50-episode anime series set in the Anno Domini (A.D.) timeline, where the world is divided among three superpowers: the Union, the Human Reform League, and the Advanced European Union. As conflicts escalate, a mysterious paramilitary organization called Celestial Being emerges, with the sole purpose of eradicating war using their advanced mobile suits.

The series follows Setsuna F. Seiei, a young pilot who operates the GN-001 Gundam Exia, a close-combat mobile suit equipped with sophisticated GN technology that grants it exceptional speed and power. Setsuna is one of the four Gundam Meisters, a group of skilled pilots working for Celestial Being. The other Meisters are Lockon Stratos, who pilots the long-range sniper GN-002 Gundam Dynames; Allelujah Haptism, who controls the versatile GN-003 Gundam Kyrios; and Tieria Erde, who commands the heavily armed GN-005 Gundam Virtue.

Gundam 00 delves into themes of war, politics, and the consequences of wielding immense power. As the story progresses, the Gundam Meisters must confront the implications of their actions and the true nature of their mission. The series is divided into two seasons, with the second season introducing new mobile suits, such as the GN-006 Cherudim Gundam, GN-007 Arios Gundam, and GN-008 Seravee Gundam, as well as the powerful GNX series used by the United Nations Forces.

With its thought-provoking narrative, striking mobile suit designs, and engaging characters, Mobile Suit Gundam 00 offers a fresh perspective on the Gundam franchise while addressing contemporary global issues and the complexities of conflict in a politically divided world.

Aesthetics and kits to look out for

The designs of 00 are all characterized by the streamlined aesthetic they follow, with sharp lines and the GN Drive being one of the main eye-catching features of them all.

Some of the kits, sorted by affordability and complexity, to look out for are:

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